Sunday, September 5, 2010

Ashtamurti: The 8 idols.

Oh! Sarva with patience of the soil
To find u hard & harder lemme toil.
How much be the heat or rain
Wrap me in your patient foil.

Oh! Shiva's Ganges water i use
Shower thy purity & wash my sin.
Oh! my beloved Bhava I'm not clean.
Make me pure & perfectly clean.

Oh! Rudra with the flames of fire
Put my wrongs on thy pyre.
When i feel thy lovely touch
The burns u give is nothing such.

Oh! Ugra the lashing storm
Floating dust & lightning frown.
Let me feel thy immense love,
U've come to make me your own.

Oh! Bhima the sky high
Nothing's left to feel a sigh
See the biggest roof i have
Under this lemme die.

Oh! Great devotee Pashupati
You come to me to worship Thee.
Folding your palms here U bow
When all is there is within thee.

Oh! The one of Mahadev name
Shining like the night sky moon
The cool, calm but high fame
Giving us Thy glowing boon.

Oh! The hot Sun Ishaan
Burn me to be just one
The one that unites with u
Let there be no more two.


  1. The crowd likes
    whatever sells in the marketplace,
    and no one but a slave
    appreciates violent men.
    Only those who are themselves godlike
    believe in the gods.

    Friedrich Holderlin (1779-1843)
    ur Ashtamurti.........give us a spititual touch...God bless U !!!

  2. I join u to pray with folded hands:-

    Let me feel thy immense love,
    U've come to make me ur own.

  3. Debadhideb Mahadeb!
    Ashim sampad,ashim mahima.
    Mahasabha tobo ananta akashe,
    Koti kantha gaahe jayo jayo jayo hey.

  4. I read this poem two times...each time with different references and meanings..

    " The one of Mahadev name
    Shining like the night sky moon
    The cool, calm but high fame
    Giving us Thy glowing boon."

    These are my best lines in this poem .

    bt only thing which i didnt like is
    "oh! my beloved Bhava I'm not clean.
    Please make me pure & truely clean."

    Its again like Bheekh Maangana . You are a pure soul . so purity is nt goin to come from outside . You hav to clean urself by remembering HIM , tats de only way . he is nt goin to do any kripa or somthing like that .

    Okay I kno that ya are gonna come out with more nd more explanation .. bt plzz rehne dena ,...


  5. "oh! my beloved Bhava I'm not clean.
    Please make me pure & truely clean."

    may be please in this line was the misleader so i corrected. thanks for pointing.

    "Its again like Bheekh Maangana . You are a pure soul . so purity is nt goin to come from outside . You hav to clean urself by remembering HIM , tats de only way . he is nt goin to do any kripa or somthing like that ."

    well, well. grown ups prefer going to bathrooms, pouring the water from the buckets and thus getting cleaned. kids on the other hand just cries & makes the mummy do it for them. i am just too lazy to grow up & so i love remaining a kid.
    when u love someone u dont beg, u just demand.

  6. I said that : "You have to clean urself by remembering HIM " . So when a child is dirty he must go to his mother and then even if the child does nt request her(GOD) ,she(GOD)makes it for him .

    My point is that there s no need of any crying also . You just need to be in front of HIM and then leave everything on HIM . But what we usually do is in a second we reach to GOD and then in another second we are in this world .
    So this is what the purusharth you have to do. There s no Kripa here .

  7. who asks fr kripa?
    we ask for love......
