Friday, October 8, 2010


As alms, the man his cows gave
When his son asked in voice grave,
"Why the cows you're giving are old,
The best to give are in stories told?"

The next part we all know
& That's how the myth to go.
The kid was sent to Lord of Death
To whom he asked, "At last breath
What dies?"
The Lord of Death was taken aback
& Failed to give an answer back
& Thus goes the story of heroic child
Nachiketa's questions remain alive.

The most innocent questions asked
Unveils all that stand masked.

I was happy till I learnt
The biggest storm, the hardest word- "WHY".

That day on my friends were foes
& That's how my story goes
Parents, teachers went away
& All what really I would say
Was, "Thank God"
For showing me they were not my Lord.

When I asked my Master the same
Silence was all that remained
Whom I revered once so much
By a word was washed away.
All I did say was "Thank God"
For showing me he was not my Lord.

Since when I started to ask WHY
Blizzards & tempests swayed my life
The funny part is:
For whomsoever would I ask This "why"
Always stood against me, not by!

May be they wanted to have peace
Like I had before asking these
Before the storm of "why" arose
While I slept, till I rose.

Then I met this man of grace
For whom I was to be amazed.
Once had lived this life of "why"
First time someone stood me by.

He knew
How to stop this tempest of why
With another question "Who am I?"
So today I ask
"Oh my beloved God,
Art Thou my true Lord"?


  1. Read ' The charge of the light Brigade'- it reads something like this.." There's Not to reason why, There's Not to make reply, there's But to do and Die!" Ever wondered what motivates a man to embrace Death also , smilingly?

  2. yeah i read that. but that poem is just an opposite of it.......

  3. I will quote Swami Vivekananda,he said:"There is no help for you outside of yourself; you are the creator of the universe. Like the silkworm you have built a cocoon around yourself…. Burst your own cocoon and come out away the beautiful butterfly, as the free soul. Then alone you will see Truth".

    Yes,platform is ready for you....just perform Nachiketa(Aradhita) !!!

  4. with lots of why-s
    when mind was troubled
    was it not the LORD
    with whom you
    have travelled
    this far?
    was HE not your sun to give you strength?
    was HE not your rain to shower off your pain
    in tears?
    and that little ARADHITA of mine
    has grown in years!!!!!!!!!!
    not to question any more
    for answers are unknown to us
    to seek and search; to steer the ship
    strong and assured for she's got
    PROMISES TO KEEP!!!!!!!!!

  5. the thing is dear, nevr extinguish the thirst of quest which is d innate quality of humans...which has lead him always to the path of realisation and exploration,in ,turn ,to admire the beauty behind the creation of the universe!!!

  6. bahut acch Hi... mujhe pasand aya....
    all the bests..

  7. "So the question here is what i am? " mentioned by you, is almost the same that Aadi Shankaracharya had once asked to himself, while climbing the Ghats of Himalayas... The only difference was "Who am I"....The endless questions that comes out from the core of inner self goes on and on endlessly....The inspiration of conscious and consciousness to express these questions in a beautiful poetry form doubtlessly deserve appreciation. Jai Mahadev.... Jai Mahakaal....
