Sunday, September 12, 2010

Road to realization goes through Hell

It's not the place where the angels dwell
The road to realisation goes through Hell.

The path is full of thorns & stone
Paved by the one my dear & own.

Once pretty gardens of flowers nice
There's now monsters, dangers, vice.

Oh! Men those always seemed so good
Now, Like high walls before me stood.

Place where i played with balls of mud
Sprinkled me now with stains of blood.

All those who had called me friend
Showed me the Hell-way at the end.

Same place, same men, all remained
Just for me the scenario changed.

Just then a voice spoke to me
"I have only choosen ye".

"See it's just a video game
Where everyone fights for name & fame".

"A sword I give with My name stud
Hold it till your last drop of blood".

"Return to thy past, if u may
Just "Alas" can all I say".

I just asked Him, "But, then what if I fall"?
He smiled & said, "Road to realisation is not for all".

"When it'll be too cold to bear
Sweater of My name u must wear".

"If there be too much of heat
Remember My small cool feet".

"Whenever u feel hunger & thirst
My name will be ur food first."

"Leave all, everything that's fake
Finding Me is just a piece of cake".

"Hundred percent love pure
Must u have to endure".

"I must say, I choose u, but you may not
Would u like to have another thought"?

I replied, "None I knew when I came
Relatives, friends, name or fame".

"Everything I got was Thine
Today, Let me find what's mine".


  1. The path is full of thorns & stone
    Paved by the one my dear & own.

    Rightly said because the moment complete dross impurities within the self... the real self of us... our inner self removed... one reached... attained the stage of self realization! Self realization is not that easily achieved.....because :

    Just then a voice spoke to me
    "I have only choosen ye".

  2. let me find what's mine.........

  3. realy nice...lets dwell on the path of self realisation,jus focussing on the destination,not on the other travellers but only in the thought of the destination which we hv to reach yet still!!

  4. "Whenever u feel hunger & thirst
    My name will be ur food first."

    "Hundred percent love pure
    Must u have to endure".

    Really very much inspiring
    if you wish to know more on love then download the material from the following link

  5. 1st Nov. 2010

    The magic spell of simple words and vividly expressed meaningful thoughts are worth enough to inspire for a graceful journey through Hell to achieve self realisation...

    A beautiful bouquet for the good endeavour...

  6. " All those who had called me friend
    Showed me the Hell-way at the end. "

    I hope I am not among them . I have always shown ya the path that leads to the Heaven , New world . Hope ya will understand some day .

  7. hell is better dan heaven brother. heaven makes us forget about our true self. while hell makes me remember Him & effort for our true Self. the one established in Self dsnt feel to be in heavens, he dsnt have good/bad feelings & realise both as one. " should renounce the idea of heavens first" swami vivekananda.
