Wednesday, September 29, 2010

So Many Killers, But...

One kills for property
One kills for name
Another one kills to hide
The family's shame.

One kills by law
One without
One kills just to
Clear his doubt.

One kills for love
One for he hates
Some kill others
To remember dates!

One kills for money
One just for fun
One out of anger
For no homework's done.

Some kill men
For cows to save
Some for loving
Are put to grave.

One kills for drawing
Our Portrayer's pic
One kills anyone
Tom, Harry/ Dick.

One kills by driving
One for sex
A passion for killing
Is all it takes.

One keeps bullets
Just to kill men
Another one just takes
A fountain pen!

So many murderers
But no one to go
And kill the biggest Devil
His own ego.


  1. clinching couplet
    lost for words
    praise to shower
    for such daring thoughts
    fire purifies
    enters our soul
    mind is nourished
    mysteries untold

  2. Thank u aunty. Do give ur blessings.

  3. beautiful...and thought provoking from the flames of your thoughts emanating from your mind!!! i applaud you for this!!

  4. thanks sister fr ur encouragement.

  5. great really!! smelt like a rap song! eminem should sing it!
