Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Fog

In the one way road of time
Fog so thick
Can see a li'l
Donno where 'm running into
Whether a cliff or a hill.
Only the jerks i feel.

I steer into a world unknown
To taste the untested my own,
Sometimes with another car's back light as aim
I move on.

Once i felt lemme see
Where am i,
Only to find
I never moved
All others passed me by......


  1. All world beyond you is unknown.. Even when you are tailgating, you have to be careful that your speed matches with the vehicle you are following. Life's journey is complex. Yet, it is as smooth as the Clouds. As you move, shower all the joy and happiness like the cloud, while giving up all that it has. Be benign like the cloud, for it exists only for others. CLOUD..FOG..MEGHA...!! Synonymous . So true .No??

  2. beauty in ur words........
    touched my heart.......
