Monday, October 11, 2010


In this beautiful Self sky
The cloud thoughts remain, why?
I asked my Lord.

If I am to only be
Why feel pain, joy in glee?

If You are the place to go
Why You create this ego?

If I am only here
How others bring me fear?

If others are also me
Why cant I really see?

My Lord answered
Because u dont want to see
What really are in ye.

When u'll wish so without fear
Only this thought remaining clear

When I be your only dear
I shall come to your near.

Till then,
Have patience
With My remembrance,
Love all
Even if u fall,

Till I come for u
N' u go with me
To the abode of
Peace, joy n' non-duality.......


  1. beautiful....rily adorn d GOD s grace...

  2. "My Lord answered
    Because u don't want to see
    What really are in ye......"
    This is the essence of "Why ?"
    When we give God complete control, we lose nothing in life but, gain from God a multitude, of benefits ur life will certainly brighten with happiness and joy.....but "COMPLETE SURRENDER" that's what we can give HIM my dear sister !!!

  3. yeah i know bt it's hard to come.

  4. God truly said
    "When I be your only dear
    I shall come to your near.
    Till then,
    Have patience
    With My remembrance,
    Love all
    Even if u fall,"
    Our attitude towards almighty should be that He is only dear to us and we love HIM from the core of our heart, then only He will reveal himself to us.
    The concept of God is reflected in this poem. I really liked it.
    I refer the author to my blog postings on concept on God. links below
    Concept of God in Buddhism
    Hindu concept on God
    God in Buddhism

  5. Till then,
    Have patience
    With My remembrance,
    Love all
    Even if u fall,
