Sunday, April 10, 2011

Human Mind In All

IT's human mind that lies inside
Everything that makes us,
Unknown, unseen, unpredictable
They just wont allow a fuss!

A man's heart loves till there is
An equlibrium is reached
From where it can
Both give and gain
And keep all as it is.
But its not a stable one
Repulse a more approach.
Like atoms, the smallest ones
There's an ego force.

Ego and love
Goes hand in hand
In the heart nucleus.
One says come
'Nother says go
& Thus they both make us.

The good n bad two elctronic spins,
Spins to neutralise
So the cycle of life and death
Comes to make us wise.

What if the coloumbic ego
Gets much more large?
The source of love, will then
With infinity converge.
From there will come the alpha charge
To the unstable ego
The atom would break to stable ones
& Will be free to go.
However if the charge of Infinite
Overcome the coloumb and touch-
Both the force n mass will be no more
No difference, only energy of divine touch...


  1. Onekbar porlam...daroon laaglo..onek uchudorer chinta...

  2. Poet's refined imagination beautifully drawn on canvas of science. Keep it up
    Jai Mahadev.... Jai Mahakaal....
