Friday, April 8, 2011


Pimples? Oh my God!
Now my b.f will leave me?
Oh! Look at the marks
On my face
He'd surely see.
Gels and creams,
Cosmetics and more
All at once I would pour
Pimples please go_
I cant handle anymore...

I used to say
Till the day
Came, when he really left me.
Tears from my eyes
Fell on the pimple
& She spake-
"So how are you now?
Broken heart by a needle point spot?
Broken heart for just a black dot?
Your heart so brittle I didnt know
You always claimed to take any blow.

Gels and creams hid me from you
But I am a part of you.
Wont your lover take me too?
If not, then where am I to go?

If you tell me to leave
I feel bad, I grieve.
It is me on whom your tears fall
It is me who saves you from all."

"What?" I remarked,
You are the cause of my tears
& You claim a praise?
Pimple smiled and said,
"Now, Look at the mind of the lad
& Be glad.
For i saved you
From those who betray
& Those who lust your beauty
Some day I know, you'd say.

"But they laughed at me",
I said
"Now let's laugh at 'em
Pimple smiled and said.

I was calm
The pimple went on.
"This is my job.
When someone loves or claims to,
I come on her face
To protect her from those who pretend
So God has made me.
So that you can test and see
Whether he really loves ye?"

My eyes opened
I touched my skin,
The pimple was no more
Nowhere to be seen.

I cried, "Pimple come back,
I need you.
Dont just stay on my face
I give my whole body,
Stay in every word I speak,
Stay in my nature
Stay in my habits,
Stay in my behaviour
Stay everywhere you see,
But, Dont leave me.

I am sorry, I told you to leave
But now I grieve.
Wont you forgive a friend
Who's sorry at the end?"

A voice spoke_
"I will, when I feel,
Whether you welcome me or not,
For till then, I've left my friend
My spot!!!"


  1. WOW ... writing poem on such a topic is amazing nd that too meaningful is fantabulous ... v gud .... keep up da gud work !!!

  2. hehe thank u... i want to see how the ladies take it...

  3. very nice indeed....if only my pimples talked back!! *sigh* :)

  4. very nice poem ....................

  5. amazing !! superb !! lovely !!! just loved reading it..u r an an awesum writer.!!

  6. pimples really left a mark on mah mind..if not on cheek :)

  7. suprbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb!!!!!!!!
    SUPERLIKES to dis......
