Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Unwanted Me

The birds flew in the sky
So the words in mah mind's eye.
I asked do u love me?
The really, really Unwanted Me...

Storms blew in the shores
Hurricanes and tornados
Reigned the ocean
Reigned the rains....
Lived the me
The Unwanted Me in mah veins........

Walking by the shores of the river
I asked mah partner- Do u love me?
In the sun she said yaa
In the rains she said naa...
But i am a lover of the rains
The Unwanted Me is in mah veins......

I stepped in adventures with mah friends
Played with snakes
And with friend fakes
I asked mah friend would u be mah friend?
The fire caught me again
The friends were nowhere to be seen
The Unwanted Me was within...
The Unwanted Me was mah friend
Till the end.....

Our friendship breaks never
Our love is forever
The Unwanted me is mah loving friend.....